Send information to Art Detective. This image can be reproduced in any way apart from any commercial uses. Buy a print or image licence If you like this artwork you can support the collection by purchasing a reproduction as a framed OR unframed art print. Buy an art print Buy a framed print Buy an image licence. Notes Add or edit a note on this artwork that only you can see. Discard changes. Medium oil on canvas. Acquisition method presented by Mrs Mordecai, Tags This artwork does not have any tags yet.
This venue is open to the public. Not all artworks are on display. If you want to see a particular artwork, please contact the venue. Artist or maker Joseph Mordecai — View profile. John Lobb Guildhall Art Gallery. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device.
Forgot your username or password? Does anyone know how to.? User Info: Bokugo Bokugo 9 years ago 2 invisible walls User Info: Questionmarktarius Questionmarktarius 9 years ago 3 This one seems way more obnoxious about invisible walls than the last one.
Need help with Friendship Rules trophy. How many legendaries are in the game? Side Quest. What is a ferovore projectile? Install Steam. Store Page. Borderlands 2 Store Page. Global Achievements. Since we all know, that after the Wildlife Preserve story quest to get the Claptrap upgrade from Bloodwing's collar, Mordecai is in Sanctuary. However, if you fast-travel back to Tundra Express, he's also on top of the tower where you first meet with him during "A Train to Catch" mission.
Has anyone else noticed this as well? Showing 1 - 10 of 10 comments.